28 November 2014


You hail from the kingdom of class
With an elixir of pride
On carpeted mind you stroll
Disregarding the common man
Riches and influence is your domain
Oh vanity! A foul play on God’s delight
It is you who is in paradise.

26 November 2014

Bony love
The fleshy bones chartered on the sandy beach
Waves confessed their declaration
Washed the tempting feet of the lustful goddess
Shepherded love to bathe
When surfaced, I saw
Love was draped in bones.

22 November 2014

Heart speaks

When we are in love we believe each word whispered by the adored one. It is an indicator that we are in love. The moment doubt crops in love ends. We believe in God, though we haven’t seen him. It is our preordained thought that God exist, we constantly seek refuge to the almighty expecting for an answer to our helplessness. Love too makes us helpless but where to seek refuge? The adored one is far away. At times mental distance is more than the substantial distance. We see each other but fail to reach. If only God could come down and hold our hands to diminish the distance and re install warmth.

29 October 2014

The wasteland is yet to turn green

The wasteland is yet to turn green
I wait
Not for the untamed tempest to hold back
Not for the imperial sun to shine
Not for the barren desolate region to smile
Desperate was the valley to shed its foliage
Mocking at me
At my state of anguished loneliness
Laughing at my precarious existence
Why is the flourishing blossom dried?
Why are the lively leaves blistered?
Why is the grass golden and
Why the populous mountain desolate.
How could the nature look so unusual?
I contemplated on my wretched state
My thoughts are now an alien
Hovering like a scavenger on my feelings
Turning me into a living dead
How can I depart?
For I have lost my heart
To a soul so heartless
They say every cloud has a silver lining
But my clouded heart sees no silver
For the painted strokes are all colorless
The wasteland is yet to turn green



I felt it was a smile but it turned to be a frown
I felt it was a breeze but it turned to be a storm
I felt it was pleasure but it turned to be pain
I felt it was an accident but it turned to be designed
I felt it was affection but it turned to be love

The Crematorium

The Crematorium

I speculate, where the world begin and end
On what is the real game composed
I gaze at the glories and glimpses of the human civilization
There a corpse move towards a journey
Liberation or resurrection -is unknown yet
Definitely a long awaited resting place
A place where every soul heals and prepares
For its first holy communion

Passing thought


You never noticed my tears because you met me when I was drenched with rain water tripling from head to toe. This had happened a number of times and it was never a coincidence but the fact is that I never waited for the storm to pass but I had learnt how to dance in the rain.

11 April 2014


Fear is definitely an unpleasant emotion. It is the home for the man who dreads anything on earth. With everything on stake how can a person accompany goodness within oneself? The darkness in the mind is fear; the bright unreachable light is fear, the forbidden fruit is fear, every denial is fear and all that inaccessible thought is also fear. Fear is to be discarded they say. It is that which provokes us to leave the world of challenge. Every breath is indebted to this unholy fear. We are born in fear and die with it. Why is this apprehension always like a shadow?
Basically I feel that fear is a patterned disorder or so to say a muddled course. Everything irrespective of its type takes refuge in this emotion. Fear is a disgrace for the valiant, a shield for a simple man, a weapon for a religious priest and a contractual obligation for a precarious follower. It is a must for a deprived man and an option for the privileged one. Thus, fear is all about a dark shadow in darkness. Now, how can we see a dark shadow in the total absence of light? This dark shadow is beyond doubt a conception of human mind. The mind has immense power to make things out of nothing.
Fear is a refuge which harbor under the canopy of negative emotions. We are constantly reminded to keep this feeling far away, since it is unworthy. Winds of dreadful thought are followed by fear. We never know when it did origin, how did it quietly creep into our minds, slowly blackening our soul to death. We are told not to fear but taught to be fearful. What a contradiction? We find fear omnipresent just as we are made to believe the presence of God. Now the real challenge draws closer. Is the fear factor really unworthy?
We fear the failure but the insight is that we love to achieve. We fear the adversity and strive to win; win over circumstance, win over people, win over ideologies and providence too. The race to make a mark is because we fear to be lost in the crowd. We fear to be called as a defeatist.
On many occasion it is unquestionably fear which provoke us to follow the right path of virtue, lest we may land up in vain. We are undeniably obsessed to make a new move. Every little move we make is because we fear the letdown syndrome. Fear is definitely an nonconstructive feeling but has the worth to help people see the radiance of victory. The fear of losing life make people rational, the fear of losing friends make people warm, fear of conflict encourages tranquility, fear of death make people discover the significance of existence, fear of drought emancipates life. The fear nestled in the heart is the gateway to a refined life.

So fear can be ordained as a barbed stick which is not a delight to hold onto but indeed serves the purpose of a fence.

14 March 2014

The destiny of labour

The destiny of labour

Hard work is the key to success”, is a powerful old adage. It has awakened a sleeping individual, has kindled a light of hope in the dying minds and has motivated people like you and me to rise up above our competitors. There are evidences of things changing with the flavor of hard work whence added. Whenever we fail to achieve our targets our well-wishers remind us to focus on hard work. Intensely intensified intention is a requisite in the terminology of hard work. Precipitation with perseverance has always been a must.

But I have a question that haunts my mind. Is hard work the only key to success? Can’t the lock to success be opened by other keys? I ponder, since the road to success is divergent, versatile and long. I have travelled, so I know. We often picturise the road to success as an uneven path, difficult terrains with never- ending curves and highly indefinable.Let me rename the road to success as “Rts”. The road to success is non-challenging for a normal individual but tremendously challenging for the extraordinary ones. The Rts is not at all magnetic. It seldom attracts people. It is a diamond in a crude form. The main problem of Rts is that the destination can never be seen. We expect the destination to be somewhere ahead and move on. That can be a reason why many people drop in between. To follow a road to an unseen destination requires a lot of tenacity. The road to success is an alien to most of us. To quote what Robert Frost said in his poem “The road not taken”-
“I took the one less travelled by
And that has made all the difference”.

Yes, the Rts is mostly the road not taken. Of course we cannot deny that hard work is the key to success but along with hard work there are many more factors which lead us to success. The most powerful of all factors is “time”. Any amount of hard work rendered at the wrong time will fail to balance the equation of success. However we try to climb the road to success ignoring all our needs we may not be successful if the right time has not reached.

 The second in line is hard work endorsed with positive motivation and planned scientifically. It can pull our graph vertically. Irrespective of our toil, if we ignore the logical parameters and work day and night it may not produce effective result.A farmer sowing the seeds at an odd hour in the dry soil, failing to nourish the seed will not reap a successful harvest. Any amount of hard work if not backed up with correct proportion of motivation and logical set up, will give us an undesirable result.

Rts depends on our competency too. Every individual is equipped with a particular skill of his or her own. If we devout a larger share of time to develop a new skill which we don’t possess at all, it is indeed futile. If a butcher by profession forces himself to change his trade and become a painter can he write a success story? So, with hard work we can indeed polish a skill but cannot develop a skill. Proficiency is an inborn talent.

Another important fact about the story of success is our own destiny. There has been many cases where a lot of hard work has not helped an aspiring candidate to success. With all the ingredients in correct proportion and the sweat all day could not help many to realize their dreams. In some cases it is simply a matter of destiny. Many people don’t accept the fact that destiny has an upper hand but in some cases we see it is true. Therefore along with labour, time, motivation, logical thinking, competency, the crown of golden destiny plays a strong role to escort us towards success. So to conclude, we can in a way come to a consensus that all hard work don’t merge with the sea of success. Some dry up in their way and become a story of inland drainage.

 Tanni Bose

01 March 2014

Human cosmology (as I entitle it)

Cosmology is the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe. Now, why am I representing the concept of cosmology? Yes, there is a rationale behind it. I talk of human cosmology where the origin is birth, the evolution is adolescence and the eventful fate is a bright future garnished with education. Today’s youth is the representation of a turbulent sea, featuring high tide after sunset.  At times it corresponds to the earth which moves but we don’t feel its motion.
In words of James “ Youth is the joy, the little bird that has broken out of the eggs and is eagerly waiting to spread out its wings in the open sky of freedom and hope.”

Today's youth, in general, seem at first glance to be tough, sophisticated and wordy. This is the outer shell of the modern youth, but underneath is the soft vulnerable part. Questions of religion, of morals, of politics worry them. Sometimes it is the searching for truth and for the answers to life's problems.
Youth is the spring of life. It is the age of discovery and dreams. The youth hopes for a world free of poverty, unemployment, inequality and exploitation of man by man, a world free of discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, language and gender, a world full of creative challenges and opportunities to conquer them. 

Now enters the relationship between youth and education. Education is a must for a successful life. Now, let us not baffle around the real sense of education. Education in its all-inclusive form goes beyond what takes places within the four walls of the classroom. A person might have attended the formal schooling or might have made the real experience a school to learn. When a child learns to paint his formative years, he also has a fear to spoil it. His beautiful painting can become a masterpiece with the artistic strokes of education.
Education in my concept is a beautiful song sung in chorus, a life size sculpture determining destiny, a bouquet of different flowers which make an impression, a prayer in solitude also a proud moment of appreciation. Education is simply incredible and when our youths are nurtured and nourished with education they them self become work of art.

With Juvenile crime and delinquency increasing day by day it is only moral education that can help our young minds to stay absent from these acts of insanity. The ability to change the world roots from education and inspiration. Value based education is essential in developing moral values like modesty, faithfulness, honesty, courteousness, tolerance, sacrifice etc among the youth. Meaningful education promotes all round development in the learner.

Patriotism and loyalty are tools for nation building. Moral education will imbibe the unrefined mind and churn the ocean of uncertainty, apprehensiveness and bring out true citizens of a nation. Youths of today deserve a chance and it is only with the tough, razor-sharp weapon of education that a young mind can create history in the present land.
No other asset can lead to so many different positive outcomes that can improve our overall life condition. So what are we waiting for?  Education is a key factor in our life.
With reference to human cosmology where our origin is not in our control but the evolution and fate can indeed be primed, reformed and even polished with the grace of education.

Homage to Greenery

The door knocks. I open the door. But Alas! It is not the opportunity that waits but the dark face of disaster greeting me. I can feel the cold welcome of death and destruction. It would be unfair if I say that I was unaware of the knock on my wisdom’s gate.

It has been more than a decade that we are being constantly reminded about the steps we take in our day to day life. Seldom do we conscientiously take note on the heart beat and consider to what it says.
Deki caresses those beautiful flowers and waters her garden every day. Grandma relishes the evening chat sipping hot tea as she sits on the green carpeted lawn. She smiles at the Gulmohar and recalls the day when she collaborated with Deki to plant it in the garden.

The woodcutter next door without any hesitation sits under the shade of the banyan tree not knowing that he is the one who adds on to the misery of the earth. The lumbered wood falls on the earth stating an end to its glory. Why is this sad tale revising and repeating every time? Why are our hearts so poor to turn down the offer of disgrace? In a moment’s time we surrender. Then the story of bitterness begins and would last till the death bell tolls.
Every year on the world enviornment day we pledge to preserve and protect our environment. We plant new saplings, water our existing dreams so that it multiplies our happiness. “Greening the blue” is the pledge of the UN this year. Our earth with 3/4th of water bodies and 1/4th of land mass, clothed with green trees is a rare planet in our solar system. We are recklessly on our way to make the planet colourful without the greenery of the leaves swinging in the wind. The large shopping malls, theatre houses and star hotels are the evidence of destruction.They shamefully stand on the ruins on the graves of the fallen tree of life. This is not a tribute we are supposed to pay for the priceless trees.
Lately, the nerves of the government in countries all over the world are shaken. They are in a move in making policies to protect our earth from turning cold. Their policies ensure that the earth is not de-clothed again and again. The poisonous gases from the factories every time adds on to the scars on the beautiful face of our mother earth. She cries bitterly and laments on the ruthless gesture we show towards her. She helplessly watches herself being torn apart amidst the greed of modernisation. Why are we in haste? We repeatedly prove ourselves to be the “farmer” who greedily sacrificed the goose that laid golden eggs everyday”. On every move we are sealing our fate. A fisherman would always pray for the rivers to never get dried up so that he can survive and earn his livelihood. Everything we do is for a selfish cause that we cannot evade but there is always a way to protect our endless greed so that each one of us get an equal share. Let’s plant trees and keep the earth green. It’s an old promise which we have to remind ourselves because the promise made in the real sense of the term means a lot.
Let us not terminate our life and add on to a sad tale but in fact help the earth retain its greenery on which the other planets have ever casted the green eyes of envy. 
Let us gift Deki the inestimable happiness forever which she fosters in watering her pet flowers and may grandma ever find her happiness in sipping hot tea amidst the greens.