27 December 2020

An affair called marriage

 An affair called marriage-

Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on Earth. This has been a very common statement that we have often heard. Whether it is a matter which is predestined or situational during our stay on earth, it indeed is an episode in life which makes a mark in our life’s journey. 

The institution of marriage is not an alien concept. Ever since man started setting up a decent society with basic norms as a need towards a civilized setup, marriages played a unique role. A loose structural marriage norm would often be a cause of internal conflict and would act as a hindrance towards creating a humane society.

Thus societies all over the world adopted some guidelines to prescribe a proper marriage law. In some countries marriages are legal. It means that any marriage to be termed as rightful must have the papers signed by the candidates lawfully. In some countries, it is the religion that has an upper hand. Going through religious ceremonies and rituals, a couple becomes man and wife. 

Nowadays live-in relationships have become quite common. Partners in a live-in are considered as common-law partners. This seems to be a mature take on the concept of marriage. This has been quite popular in countries like China, the US, France, etc, and probably has become the choice of this generation. 

Common-law marriage in VA is apart from the popular and trending ways of the US and China. In Virginia, a couple cannot have marital status just by being in a live-in relationship. A couple in VA has to follow the norms governing marriage to be called a married couple.  However, if a couple has been recognized as having a common-law marriage in another state, then they will be considered a married couple in Virginia. 

 Marriage in VA is the same age-old tradition with a ceremony attached to it. It is all fine since traditions have indeed helped our human society to sustain itself for such a long period. Marriage is after all a promise made in our minds first, then it is backed up with a legal document. The enforcement of a legal document enhances the stability of marriage and also provides a firm foothold.

Common-law marriage in VA is a straight ‘no’. Even inheritance law also takes a U-turn if the couple was married under common law marriage. Thus common law marriage in VA is a foster child in simple terms to define. 

Marriage is a simple act but takes a complicated face when it fails to work.  If all remains well then there is no issue as to whether it is a ceremonious marriage or a live-in relationship.  But everything is so unpredictable in life that with a common-law marriage in VA we will be left with nothing if at all the marriage breaks up. With a broken heart and no legal support from the government, we would run into a chaotic situation. 

© Tanni Bose.

Unmasked and unforgiven story

Unmasked and unforgiven story

Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice

Sounds unfriendly and disturbing but very recently this very thought has been the refrain in everybody’s mind. Talk about the leading nations of the world or the third world countries, all have tasted this unwanted dose of fear and pain. Spreading like wildfire without control and having the least idea of the knowledge to control it, we all moved together in helplessness. Yes, it is the Coronavirus episode. An episode that will be reminisced with a lot of emotional baggage. 

The wave of discord

All nations of the world moved at their pace marching towards development with a dream to reach their designated destination.  The race was diverse. Health, education, employment, infrastructure, scientific advancement, and many more were the priorities of all nations of the world. Italy is a European nation. A nation with prosperity and self-pride as a virtue. Not only was it on a move towards self-rejuvenation but also took a strong responsibility to care and nurture their senior citizens to help them live a life of comfort and care. Things were just rolling by but a massive black cloud of despair surfaced in the wilderness. Coronavirus robbed off the basic wish of humanity. The desire to live.

Italy too faced the crisis with whatever weapons and shield available at its disposal. The health care system tried hard to restore normalcy but soon went into jeopardy itself. Since September Italy was on a race towards achieving the position of a topper regarding the Covid -19 statistics. It tried hard to fall at the bottom of the list but to no respite. Every new day was a walk on burning charcoal for the Italian Government. The challenges were many. To control the mysterious virus was in itself a big task.  The more it pulled the gear of versatile methods to take control over the situation, the more things went out of hand.  The government was in an utter dilemma – to be or not to be was the question. Very soon the health care system moved into a ventilator.

The health care centers which were always a comforting zone for the people of the region were shocked to see them dismantle like the house of cards. Once considered excellent in providing the best possible services were now in the worst state.  The intensive care units and hospital beds were not sufficient. Inadequate arrangements were the only object to be highlighted every day. The rage of the pandemic was on its way to engulf Italy. Misfortune was the only cloud hovering over Italy.  Amidst all uncertainties, there was no sign of hope anywhere. 

Of course, research and statistical records state that Italy has the highest rate of senior citizens, and this virus attacked and made them their target which increased the death rate there. Whatever be the reason, the loss of life is always a matter of concern and discord in the eyes of any responsible government. The senior citizens who were once productive contributors in the development of the nation were now falling prey to the mysterious illness helplessly. What more could be miserable that the government stood helpless in protecting them in time of predicament?  People above the age of 79 and mostly the male section was affected.  Families could not even pay proper last respect to their grandparents. Altogether, it was a great sense of loss both for the government and individuals.  More number of asymptomatic patients resulted in adding fuel to the fire. Then came a big move- the strategical lockdown. It was not exactly a new concept for the Italians since people had heard about the Spanish flu and the take ups of the government to curb the menace. Lockdown and social distancing existed then but what made people fearful was the taste of this bitter step. The human mind has always revolted against restraints and we all know that it is painful. A severe lockdown would mean that we all are confined to torture. This was scary. 

Making a move

Fear of the unknown is quite creepy. With new restrictions imposed came a wave of fear. All the European nations were in turmoil with Italy at its paramount of collapse. Towns and cities, streets and cafes, parks, and cinema halls turned out to be desolate and dark. Constraint on personal freedom is something that no one wishes. An unseen chain of fear tied the Italians to their dear life.  Everything came to a standstill.  With shambles of hope, Italy within hours moved towards a death rate higher than the European average. The worst was that the elderly section of society became more and more vulnerable to the virus.  

The lockdown imposed by the government was a very unforgiving step taken. All non-essential production activities stopped. Restrictions on public freedom were imposed on citizens. ‘Quarantine’ was the need of the hour. A 14-day quarantine was applied to those who moved for any purpose of work.  Unfortunately, the sacrifice of self-freedom also could not help restore normalcy in the country. Constricted lockdown made the life of people shrouded with fear and hopelessness. The government managed additional beds in the hospitals to bring some respite into the life of people. All private clinics were asked to contribute their beds to the hospitals for use. Both government and private agencies worked for hand in hand facing all challenges but still never giving up. Health workers were at maximum risk and suffered the most. Overtime service became normal norms for a health worker. They underwent a lot of stress and fatigue but still didn’t choose to give up. 

Not only large vacancies were published for the recruitment of doctors in the country but also were hired by other nation to take over the situation. Masks and ventilators were made available. Testing of patients was made a must. Cigarette smoking was a ban. Social distancing became the new normal. Friends and families could not see each other for weeks and months together. A virus could paralyze the entire system. 

Aside from these troubles, the population also suffered from trauma. The restriction imposed on them made them mentally sick. No gathering, no friendly parties, no outing, and many such no’s were the regular refrains. To make the situation ruthless, body bags carrying the dear ones were the last nail on the cross. At one point everything seemed to go out of hand. Health workers working overtime, families losing their dear ones, confinement, and restrictions on freedom took a toll on the mental health of the Italians. The country was in acute crisis from all sides. Easter celebration from the Vatican was a sight not comfortable for anyone. No happiness in the air. It seemed the night would never pass. 

Many types of research state that coronavirus already existed and circulated for quite some time before it became a pandemic. The first patient in Italy to be detected of Covid 19 was a man in Milan. It is said that this virus can survive quietly for a long time without being lethal. Every day a piece of new coronavirus information floated in the air. The more people were informed, the more confusion arose. 

Some say Italy lacked hasty decision making to confront this grave situation. But we still can’t put flat accountability on the Italian government since it was quite aware that nationwide strict lockdown would put the country’s economy at stake. Hospitals that were responsible for health care at the normal time failed to keep the situation under control during this crisis. The pandemic unmasked itself at the point when the flood gates of ill patients were opened and there was no space for refuge. 

With the pandemic at its best and Italian governments at its worst phase, things went out of hand. The zig saw puzzle did not match and the results were scary. The pandemic not only taxed the health of people but also left a void in their minds. Fear never left the people at ease.  Trauma was the aftereffect of the pandemic. People who suffered and got cured were also not at ease with the situation. Thoughts revolved only between life and death. 

Take back on this pandemic

Every crisis teaches us a lesson. Italy clicked on the panic button and that aggravated the entire situation. Of course, any crisis strikes at us at an unknown time and hour but we need to always be calm and composed. The more a nation panics, the more crisis expands. After World War II, this was the biggest crisis Italy had ever faced. The entire nation punctured by a devastating illness is a matter to ponder on. It directs us towards a major question- are we ready to face any challenge ad-hoc? The overconfidence which we usually have during normal times makes us vulnerable at the darkest part of the hour. 

As the adage goes- make hay when the sun shines. During normalcy, we all need to peep into our policymaking, implementation, and collection of feedback. Nothing should be taken for granted.  Another thing to be kept at bay is – skepticism. At times the policymakers are skeptical and sometimes the people. This skepticism acts like fuel in the fire about the proper functioning of any activity. Skepticism is like the game of Tug –of- war where both the people and government don’t trust each other and the result is accidental. We as people must believe in our government and cooperate especially during the time of crisis. 

Distrust among different sectors of Government is also a mode to spread catastrophe. When scientists already had warned during the time of crisis.  about the virus and its mode of travel, neither did Government nor do people took the advice of social distancing seriously in the beginning. Thus everything messed up and the situation changed from bad to worse. Any decision for the welfare of the mass must be taken at an early stage. Mostly government keeps itself away from taking the harsh step in fear of losing popularity which in turn becomes fatal. Crisis demands calmness, organization, resistance to temptation, and a deep study of the same. On most occasions, it is just the opposite which makes things very much lethal. Partial and temporary solutions must always be avoided. Lessons must be taken from the previous crisis and present situation.

Italy is on its way towards positivity. It has indeed pulled up its socks in working towards a Covid free nation. The positive aspect of lockdown was that the streets of Rome and Venetian canals were clean and looked more attired. The virus brought a sense of discipline to human minds.  It also taught us nothing must be taken for granted. With the contribution of visionary leaders, under the able guidance of the Italian prime minister, the co-operation of responsible citizens, persistent efforts of scientists and doctors, selfless services of health care staffs and adaptability of people towards the situation made things better day by day. Nothing comes without sacrifice but we as members of this human race will always moisten our eyes at the loss of innocent lives to the unforgiving virus. 

Hope at the horizon

As every cloud has a silver lining, thus with the onset of spring things began to change for good. The restrictions imposed earlier became normal norms for the people. They started to function with self-control. What was a challenging and torturous situation then has become a way of life now.  The crisis has indeed made people aware that, however, we have self-confidence and reliability in our system and government, we must never stop moving ahead to strengthen ourselves emotionally every day. What usually falls short in times of crisis is our poise and consistency in ourselves. Rest everything comes next. Moreover, the pandemic has started losing its initial vitality. With the weakening pandemic and the resilient Italian mind, it is not far for the sun to rise on the horizon.

© Tanni Bose.