27 December 2020

An affair called marriage

 An affair called marriage-

Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on Earth. This has been a very common statement that we have often heard. Whether it is a matter which is predestined or situational during our stay on earth, it indeed is an episode in life which makes a mark in our life’s journey. 

The institution of marriage is not an alien concept. Ever since man started setting up a decent society with basic norms as a need towards a civilized setup, marriages played a unique role. A loose structural marriage norm would often be a cause of internal conflict and would act as a hindrance towards creating a humane society.

Thus societies all over the world adopted some guidelines to prescribe a proper marriage law. In some countries marriages are legal. It means that any marriage to be termed as rightful must have the papers signed by the candidates lawfully. In some countries, it is the religion that has an upper hand. Going through religious ceremonies and rituals, a couple becomes man and wife. 

Nowadays live-in relationships have become quite common. Partners in a live-in are considered as common-law partners. This seems to be a mature take on the concept of marriage. This has been quite popular in countries like China, the US, France, etc, and probably has become the choice of this generation. 

Common-law marriage in VA is apart from the popular and trending ways of the US and China. In Virginia, a couple cannot have marital status just by being in a live-in relationship. A couple in VA has to follow the norms governing marriage to be called a married couple.  However, if a couple has been recognized as having a common-law marriage in another state, then they will be considered a married couple in Virginia. 

 Marriage in VA is the same age-old tradition with a ceremony attached to it. It is all fine since traditions have indeed helped our human society to sustain itself for such a long period. Marriage is after all a promise made in our minds first, then it is backed up with a legal document. The enforcement of a legal document enhances the stability of marriage and also provides a firm foothold.

Common-law marriage in VA is a straight ‘no’. Even inheritance law also takes a U-turn if the couple was married under common law marriage. Thus common law marriage in VA is a foster child in simple terms to define. 

Marriage is a simple act but takes a complicated face when it fails to work.  If all remains well then there is no issue as to whether it is a ceremonious marriage or a live-in relationship.  But everything is so unpredictable in life that with a common-law marriage in VA we will be left with nothing if at all the marriage breaks up. With a broken heart and no legal support from the government, we would run into a chaotic situation. 

© Tanni Bose.

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